GUM-Red-Line Gallery 23.12.2022 – 10.02.2023
Aristarkh Chernyshev. MetaConsumer
Aristarkh Chernyshev’s solo exhibition covers 5+ years of the artist’s work, offering a recap of important milestones on both the artist’s latest creative endeavors and social life in general. Chernyshev’s multimodal, versatile and paradoxical vision ensures that the artist remains in line with our time and sometimes even manages to outpace our time. Enthusiastically working on creating a new aesthetic, the artist delves into the paradigm of sci-fi, embodying through his project ideas that are yet to be developed by the progressive section of humanity.
Crises, ascents, and breakdowns of economic sys- tems, as well as the creation of breakthrough tech- nologies bordering on sci-fi — these are the themes that Aristarkh Chernyshev mediates on in his works. Since 1991 he works on media sculptures, interac- tive objects, and conceptual projects. The competition of the Electroboutique partnership established with Alexei Shulgin in 2004 can be seen as the starting point of the artist’s new creative period.
Chernyshev’s art is focused on the idea of information itself. Within his mind Aristarkh Chernyshev accumulates data on society, its progress and stagnation, passions and inevitable worries about the future, creating versions of smart gadgets and social services that entice consumers with promises of a better future.
The programmatic artwork of the entire exhibition is the project “MetaConsumer” which embodies the meta position of the artist. The unrestrained hyperconsumerism of regular people and the race for super-profits among corporations have brought humanity to the brink of destruction, believes the artist. However, the artist’s critique of reality is presented in a playful way, allowing us to consider the survival risks that our civilization faces while maintaining a consumer’s confidence and level of control even in times of crises.
Active viewer participation is an important part of the “MetaConsumer” exhibition project. Everyone can participate in the media art performance piece, try out various services created with AR technologies, and attain a protagonist’s prominence while considering the artworks presented at GUM-Red-Line Gallery.
Curator - Marina Fedorovskaya
- News
- creative collaboration with the Bosco VESNA brand
- Öåíòð âèçóàëüíîé êóëüòóðû Beton ïðåäñòàâëÿåò âûñòàâêó «Æèëèùå áóäóùåãî».
- «Walking Still Lifes» by Aristarkh Chernyshev on a 33-meter-long screen
- Aristarkh Chernyshev. MetaConsumer. GUM-Red-Line Gallery
- Brand new project «Super Consumer» at the International Biennale in MAMM
- «Personal information Organism» at the «BioMedia» exhibition at the ZKM Karlsruhe
- Project «Critical Update» at the exhibition «A Shadow of the Soul but Slightly Sharper» in MAMM
- Project «Critical Update» at the exhibition «Masks of Time»
- «No color, no taste, no odor» by Aristarkh Chernyshev 18.06.2020
- «No color, no taste, no odor. Human update.» by Aristarkh Chernyshev
- «Archive of modernity» retrospective of Electroboutique in the Octave center, Tula.
- UserPic at the exhibition «Plastic Mass» in the Russian State Museum
- Critical Update at the exhibition Breakthrough in Ekaterina foundation
- Final Adjustment in the Tretyakov gallery 2018
- *Toxic assets* at museum of Moscow. 2018
- Rare works by Alexei Shulgin and Aristarkh Chernyshev at Techne exhibition.
- *Commutation* at museum for contemporary art PERMM. 2017
- *Jesus Touch* at *Icons* exhibition by Dukley European Art Community 2017
- The Wrong Biennale 17/18.
- *Loading* at Digital Decade 5. 25 - 27 August 2017
- Electronic Superhighway (2016 – 1966). London. 2016
- Art for People. Perm. 2015
- Jesus Touch in Motorenhalle. 2015
- Visual Uncertainty at Quantum Entanglement. 2014
- Teleblaster at exhibition Playing the Circus. 2014
- Knode and Urgetly at ArteFiera 2014
- Shining Prostheses at Reconstruction2. 2014
- in Ekaterinburg. 2013
- The Voice of the Forest in shopping malls
- Electroboutique at Creative City Fair. 2013
- Electroboutique at SAVE AS Riga 2013
- Electroboutique at ArtMoscow 2013
- Electroboutique at Archstoyanie
- Electroboutique at Twente Biennale
- ARTOMAT at Triumph gallery.
- Rethinking Reality at Galerie Kuckei + Kuckei. 2012
- Requiem. Farewell show.
- Electroboutique at Milan Design Week.
- Electroboutique pop-up at the Telemuseum Oslo.
- Iconman in Perm!
- Electroboutique pop-up at the Science Museum London
- 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
- Bug With Us! - at XL Galllery
- Electroboutique at Twente Biennale
- Blog on Artlet
- Electroboutique in Eindhoven
- Electroboutique in Capital Group.
- Electroboutique in Garage.
- Electroboutique gets Kandinsky Prize 2009.
- Electroboutique opens concept store
- Electroboutique at Archsoyanie.
- Aristarkh Chernyshev at Unconditional love
- Kiosk, artifacts of a post-digital age
- Electroboutique in Prague
- Urgently! at «Liquid Frontiers», Europe XXL Festival 2009
- ENTER ACTION - Digital Art Now
- Electroboutique goes to Seoul
- Electroboutique goes to Dortmund
- Electroboutique goes to Beijing
- Electroboutique goes to HolyFire
- Electroboutique goes to Transmediale
- The way I see it! at Frieze 2007
- Chernyshev & Shulgin new work
- Teleskin in ElectroBoutique gallery.
- Success Formula in ElectroBoutique gallery.
- Chernyshev & Shulgin new work
- Aristarkh Chernyshev
- Electroboutique
- Chernyshev & Efimov
- Informations and contacts